Thursday, October 14, 2021

Six Flags


 Me and my girl friend went to Six Flags Great America in Gurnee, Illinois. I like going in October the best because its around my birthday and its Fright Fest. Basically the whole park at night time is a haunted house but outside and more open. We went on a Sunday so that way we both didn't have to work so it was easier to go. It happened to be such a nice day out that there was so many people there. This was the first time I had to park across the lot of the parking lot in this side parking lot. I didn't understand we got there 30 after the park opened and it was almost full compacity. apparently the day before they were sending people hope and told them to come another day.

I'm a big roller-coaster person- I love rides. I could ride the same coaster over and over again all day long. Which I have before because there was nobody at the park one time I went on fright fest due to weather it was like raining but not at the same to more of a mist. And the forecast said rain all day long it rained for like 20 minutes and they didn't stop the rides either so I kept riding the one ride where the wait is always 2 hours plus. 

This past time we went for one ride it was a two hour wait. the next ride two hour wait. I didn't understand what are all these people doing here on a school night with little kids. And I'm pretty sure most of these people have to work the next day like go home so I can ride all the rides I want. Not only were the ride lines long the bathroom and food stands had lines looking like a roller-coaster line. All in all I had a great time and had the best company to go with which its all about spending time with people and having fun.

Friday, October 8, 2021

Chasing Coral

Coral reefs have been a beautiful site to see. In most of the tropical areas around the world coral reefs can be found. Most commonly known one is the Great Barrier reef. These advanced creatures are more like us than we know. they are the only other species besides us that are able to build these city like homes. when the documentary captured the structure and foundation of what they can do it's really amazing. I loved the fact that they show us the beauty of these deep sea creatures. 

What I wasn't expecting was to see all these coral reefs dying. in the film they were turning white all across the world. and it was upsetting to see these colorful these become gleam. I have personally seen them up close when I was on vacation in the Bahamas.  The while deadness to these coral is so depressing to look at. But coral isn't just about its colors its about the fish and other organisms that it provides for. Which these people in the film are trying to show why this is happening and to get the word out so people can see this tragedy.

What can be done to stop the coral from dying? What could the data collected in the film help these people start a plan to solve this issue? How can people like us help? If it has something to to do with  global warming can we even stop it? This documentary is an eye opener and I enjoy snorkeling as do some so if there is something to help out I hope it gets the word out.

Friday, October 1, 2021


If you can't tell by the title I'm a twin. I have a fraternal twin sister meaning that we don't look the sane plus we are different genders. Everyone I've ever met think its the coolest thing in the world, don't get me wrong its cool all. But its noting different to having the same age as a brother or sister. Just the fact that we have to share a birthday cake doesn't make it any different. We have a birthday coming up too its on the 21st of October so about two weeks. We'll be turning 19 this year. 

happens to be the number that My sister and I wore in high school sports. I didn't like it at first because 19 has always been my lucky number and favorite but it grew on mew that we had the same 19 it kinda had a good ring to it. Its funny when we go out and people ask if we are twins and say how you don't like that similar but I just laugh and tell them because we are fraternal. Twins run in my moms side of the family. My grandpa is a twin and his father before him was a twin as well. When my grandpa married my grandma he married her and his twin brother married my aunt aka my grandma's twin sister. 

Twins usually skip a generation so when my mom was born she didn't have any twins in the house just two older brothers. So when my sister and I have our own families one day we won't have twins but our children might. It's crazy how two people on the same day are born within seconds to a minute from one another. Birthdays are special for just one person and even more special for two.

Friday, September 24, 2021

Newest family member


My family and I have been looking to get another puppy that is the same breed as our dog. Our dog it a cavapoo which is a poodle and caviler mix that doesn't shed. Its been hard finding one we like and that our dog likes too. Most of the people selling them are out of state or if there is some in state they are way too expensive. The other day my mom and dad went to go see a dog that was in a decent price range and not too far away. so the took the dog and went.

When they got there our dog (Cali) was foaming in the mouth and shaking like she's seen a ghost. The lady with the dog we were looking at said it was probably from a 2 hour car ride. But apparently Cali wasn't friendly and excited to see the dog which is strange because she loves everyone and thing. She's the type of dog to run out the house when you get home and follow you in till she attacks you with a whole lot of licking.

I was sad to hear that we didn't end up getting the dog and were still looking for the right dog. Which might take a while because finding the right dog isn't easy. Especially if it's not trained and acts out. Which I find the perfect dog but she was in Ohio about five hours away. I was so ready to drive out there to get her. She had the prettiest eyes one brown and one blue. However the next day after just finding her she was sold. I was so upset she was the perfect dog. 

Thursday, September 16, 2021


I have never been real big on bowling but ill go occasionally now and then. The other day I went to Inman's In Valparaiso Indiana where it was dollar per person only on Wednesday. So we went because were all a bunch of broke college kids and it was cheap. I got there and my friends already started a game so I got the lane next to them to warm up.

 I went up front to get my bowling shoes and my lane. I headed over to the lane and started to bowl when one of my friends called me weird for not curving the ball when I threw. Yeah I don't bowl enough to do that. I has been something I have always wanted to learn to do. So my friend started to show me how to do it. lets just say I only bowled a 35 that first game. I was throwing the ball into the gutter left and right. As the game went on I ended up getting two strikes with it. 
 Then I played another game where I did the same thing trying to curve it. That second game is when I started to get the hang of it scoring a 116 it's no 300 a.k prefect game. Our other friends came and joined my lane and that's when I really started to do good scoring a 145 which was the highest score of the night out of us. There is a term called getting a turkey and not the thanksgiving kind but it's where you get three strikes in a row. lets just say I had about 4 chances to get one and didn't come through once, but still throwing very well. I didn't lose one game the entire night. 

Then it became late so we decided to play one last game with all of us in one lane. My friend Seth wanted to bet that he could beat me ironically he taught me how to curve. So we made a gentleman's bet and my first ball was a strike. The next ball was a strike. followed by another strike on my third throw. I finally go the turkey after choking it all those times. My next two throws were strikes getting a totally of five in a row. Then I sold my prefect game on the sixth frame and got a spare. My final score was a 230 it was the best game of my life and Seth only through like 80 he was having a real bad game. For the first time ever curving the ball I did amazing and it felt so good to play my best game with my friends. I would recommend going especially on the dollar game night its a lot of fun.

Thursday, September 2, 2021

Writers Block

 I can write and write all day long if I know what I want to write about or have some sort of idea. Like the reason I'm writing about this is because I have nothing to wrote about. But the felling of wanting to wrote and having to write with a deadline make the matter even worse. I get to the point where if I can't write anything I will just out it off to the side and not do it at all.

I hate that I am like that but half the time I rather be doing something else like working-out or even just doing something that doesn't require grades or work. I could play games all day with friends but can't get past writers block at all. It's one of my toughest obstacles I have to face.  Its all in my head but yet its so powerful that I just can't get past I till something literally hits me in the head with something. 

Friday, August 27, 2021

Back To School

You Can't Follow CDC Guidelines': What Schools Really Look Like During COVID -19

This year is going to be a little stressful with going back to school. The normal we used to know is gone. We now live in a time where a mask is our everyday life, can't even go to the store without one, or can't even workout without one too. Now schools across the country are requiring people to wear them at all times. I wonder if you forget your mask just as much as I do? 

Covid-19 was a world shocker to everyone. Schools across the country shut down, so students and teachers struggled with transitioning to home life. I don't know about you but learning math at home was nearly impossible for me. The other classes I could get by, but math is the one subject that trying to teach yourself is almost like learning rocket science. I got so used to learning at home that it became a habit and I kind like not leaving the house and being able do all my work at home. Humans are creatures of habit and we like our comfort zones. Home is a place of comfort so not being able to leave home is nice but I lose all the interactions with friends. Now that we have to go back to school with everyone its going to take a little bit to get used to again. Since, were going to school again I have to wake, up get ready for school, and drive to it everyday rather than roll out of bed and log on. The one thing I like though going back I can meet new people and interact again instead of sleeping or watching Netflix all day.

COVID-19 | South Kingstown, RI


The year and a half I had of being at home started off as a struggle but became kind of peaceful. I didn't have to hear all the drama and craziness of school. School has never really been a problem for me, but the fact that we had to learn a whole new way of learning it was kind of rough. Teachers for a fact are happy to be back in class because you don't have to deal with all the technology issues that would happen at home. That was a big issue I hated about being at home there was so much miss communication and technology issues.

The whole covid-19  has a tone different options which causes some people to get mad over. If I want to go with out a mask when I'm vaccinated I should be able to go out without being harassed. I should be able to take the risk because its my fault if I get sick. Stress hasn't really had a tole on me but the constant worry of oh I forgot my mask what if I get kicked out. I get that people don't want to get the virus and be safe but if I'm far enough a part I shouldn't have to worry about my mask. The virus is so hectic its a matter of where do you stand? 

Six Flags

                                Me and my girl friend went to Six Flags Great...